Saturday, May 29, 2021

Are You A Judas

 I have been a little distracted reading some of my old posts on this site rather than writing the thoughts I originally had when I started to think about journaling this.

Saturday, January 23, 2016

Meant to Know

There are times when I believe that I am meant to know certain people.  They just cross my path and I 'feel' it. And if I don't make friends,  then God keeps putting them in my path until I understand and obey.

Deann Wright is one of those people.  

When I was leaving the law school tonight, I couldn't help but notice that there was a guy sitting in the lobby....  I went to check on him and he said he was trying to get a hold of his mom because he needed a ride. I told him that I would take him.

As we left,  I asked where he lived and he said "Aren't you in our ward boundaries?"  I didn't recognize him at all.   I said "Am I?"  It turned out his name is Luke,  Luke Wright.

He's a good kid.  He said his mom loves dancing. I encouraged him to take a dance class some day and learn to lead.

I hope that Deann is just dancing and not drinking....  But I am happy that I went out of my way to check on Luke. I am happy to have gotten to know him. He's a really good kid.

Friday, January 1, 2016


My gift of empathy is an unusual one, it is incredibly unique,  and unless you have benefited from it on MULTIPLE occasions,  not one that anyone would ever believe was real.

It has been really limited in scope during law school....  Or have I been too wrapped up in my own life to have empathy for others???  

Last week I had an empathy moment.   I knew it was an empathy moment because from out of the blue,  I was afraid to die.  I had NO reason to feel that way... So I had a pretty good clue that I wasn't the one feeling that way. Only I had no clue who was.  I considered that it was my father,  but blew that off.  I knew it couldn't be Barbara.   And the only person that I thought it might apply to was Sonny.   But I couldn't figure out why he could be feeling that way.

I figured out yesterday that it was Gina.  In our conversation about her pacemaker,  it came to me really swiftly.   I asked her if she had been scared to die last week,  and she began to cry and told me no one knew.

I told her God knew, and that He cared about her not being alone about it,  so He told me.

We had a really great talk about the fact her illnesses are coming from the hardness of her heart and the hatred and resentment she holds onto.

I also told her about God and His direction to me to wait for "Omega".... She was pretty accepting of it.    I am very grateful for that.

Thursday, November 29, 2012


My life has been full of ambiguity lately.  Law School will do that to you.  Not really knowing how you will do, not knowing how you compare to others, it's full of ambiguity.  But this isn't the ambiguity that has driven me to step away from my studying for finals to come and journal/blog.

That ambiguity is spiritual ambiguity.  The confluence of what I read this morning in my scriptures with the Law Journal article I read by Bruce Hafen (coincidentally titled "Ambiguity") has driven me to do a little self exploration through the written word.

I read Ether 8 today and the ONE verse that stood out was:

 19 For the Lord worketh not in secret combinations, neither doth he will that man should shed blood, but in all things hath forbidden it, from the beginning of man.

This stood out a couple of times.  I chose to ignore it because it kept making me think that Nephi was mistaken in what he thought was instruction from Heavenly Father to kill Laban.  It occured to me that it might be the example in the Book of Mormon of a righteous man who was fooled by Satan.

Today as I was reading a law jounal article titled "Ambiguity", the following statement was made by Elder Hafen:

"But sooner or later, many Church members do run into at least some forms of ambiguity. Our basic doctrines are clear, potent, and unambiguous. But we can encounter some uncertainty even in studying the scriptures. Consider, for example, when Nephi took Laban’s life in order to obtain the brass plates. That exceptional case is not easy to interpret we realize that some things about ourselves or others are not what we expected.until the reader realizes that God Himself, who gave the original commandment not to kill, was also the source of Nephi’s instructions."

These are the type of things that might break a person's testimony.  How can the book of Mormon in say in one chapter that Nephi was instructed to kill, and in another chapter say that "in all things hath forbidden it"?  These are the opportunities though, to STRENGTHEN my testimony because I will search, ponder, and pray on this and I will receive my answer from the Lord.

I am grateful for these testimony strengthening opportunities, and I say this in the name of Jesus Christ.


Monday, April 2, 2012

Invocation of Blessings From a Prophet to the People of the World

In this year's General Conference Thomas S. Monson President of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints and sustained Prophet, Seer, and Revelator, pointedly invoked the blessings of heaven upon the attendees.

By 'pointedly', I mean he literally pointed to various people in the audience and then all around to indicate it was intended for everyone.  This is something the audience obviously noticed.  This morning a friend mentioned, the press picked up on the invocation too. (He was reading an article that referenced it.)  He and I discussed the frequency of these invocations because I had remembered very vividly receiving an invocation from President Hinckley and somewhat peripherally feeling like I remembered an invocation from President Eyring at one point.  I had because of this had somewhat of an assumption that an invocation came with every conference.  His contention was that they were rare.  This of course caused us both to research the facts.

Turns out my assumption was incorrect, however there have been many invocation of blessings throughout the history of not only General Conference, but all talks. I thought it would be beneficial to summarize in one location all of the invocations given to the Saints and to the World at large for not only my own personal study, but also for anyone else who may be interested in this topic.

General Conference
Sunday April 1 2012
Closing Remarks - Thomas S. Monson

(This will be posted at a later date as the transcripts are not yet posted.)

General Conference
October 2011
Council to the Youth - Boyd K. Packer

If you will follow these principles, you will be watched over and protected and you yourself will know by the promptings of the Holy Ghost which way to go, for “by the power of the Holy Ghost ye may know the truth of all things.”16 I promise you that it will be so and invoke a blessing upon you, our precious youth, in the name of Jesus Christ, amen.

General Conference
October 2010
Cleansing the Inner Vessel - Boyd K. Packer

Strangely enough, it may be that the simplest and most powerful prevention and cure for pornography, or any unclean act, is to ignore and avoid it. Delete from the mind any unworthy thought that tries to take root. Once you have decided to remain clean, you are asserting your God-given agency. And then, as President Smith counseled, “Don’t look back.”

I promise that ahead of you is peace and happiness for you and your family. The ultimate end of all activity in the Church is that a man and his wife and their children can be happy at home. And I invoke the blessings of the Lord upon you who are struggling against this terrible plague, to find the healing that is available to us in the priesthood of the Lord. I bear witness of that power in the name of Jesus Christ, amen.

General Conference 
April 2010
A Word At Closing - Thomas S. Monson

As we leave this conference, I invoke the blessings of heaven upon each of you. As you return to your homes around the world, I pray our Heavenly Father will bless you and your families. May the messages and spirit of this conference find expression in all that you do—in your homes, in your work, in your meetings, and in all your comings and goings.

I love you. I pray for you. May God bless you. May His promised peace be with you now and always, in the name of Jesus Christ, amen.

General Conference
October 2009
Closing Remarks - Thomas S. Monson
Now, as we leave this conference, I invoke the blessings of heaven upon each of you. May all of you return safely to your homes. As you ponder the things you have heard during this conference, may you say, with the people of King Benjamin who all cried with one voice, “We believe all the words which thou hast spoken unto us; and also, we know of their surety and truth, because of the Spirit of the Lord Omnipotent, which has wrought a mighty change in us … that we have no more disposition to do evil, but to do good continually.” 2 May every man and woman, boy and girl leave this conference a better person than he or she was when it began two days ago.

I love you, my brothers and sisters. I pray for you. I would ask once again that you would remember me and all the General Authorities in your prayers. We are one with you in moving forward this marvelous work. I testify to you that we are all in this together and that every man, woman, and child has a part to play. May God give us the strength and the ability and the determination to play our part well.

I bear my testimony to you that this work is true, that our Savior lives, and that He guides and directs His Church here upon the earth. I leave with you my witness and my testimony that God our Eternal Father lives and loves us. He is indeed our Father, and He is personal and real.

May God bless you. May His promised peace be with you now and always.  I bid you farewell until we meet again in six months’ time, and do so in the name of Jesus Christ, our Savior and Redeemer and our Advocate with the Father, amen.

General Conference
October 2009
Prayer and Promptings - Boyd K. Packer

May the Lord bless us and sustain President Monson and his family in every way that will be needful to carry on the great work that is upon his shoulders. I bear that witness and invoke that blessing as a servant of the Lord and in the name of Jesus Christ, amen.

General Conference
April 2008
Looking Back and Moving Forward - Thomas S. Monson

I invoke His blessings upon you, my beloved brothers and sisters, in your homes, in your work, in your service to one another and to the Lord Himself. Together we shall move forward doing His work.
I pledge my life, my strength—all that I have to offer—in serving Him and in directing the affairs of His Church in accordance with His will and by His inspiration, and I do so in His holy name—even the Lord Jesus Christ—amen.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Fire and Ice

So my entire life I've been told that I run hot and cold.  The dichotomy of my personality is completely valid.  My favorite roses are actually Fire and Ice. 

Some say the world will end in fire,
Some say in ice.
From what I've tasted of desire
I hold with those who favour fire.
But if it had to perish twice,
I think I know enough of hate
To say that for destruction ice
Is also great
And would suffice

I kind of love Robert Frost. :)

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Angels on Earth

So I've been at home all day today working on my essay to apply to grad school. The intraspection has not been fun. It's actually been really really really HORRIBLE. I've been in tears oh so many times today.

My phone rang a little while ago and it was someone from church. He said that I've been on his mind the last couple of days and he wanted to check on me to make sure I'm ok.

He is truly an angel on earth. I know that God is thinking about me and let me know through a call from someone at church. I'm grateful for that.

There are oh so many angels in our lives if we are but to recognize it.